Digital Courtroom
When you step into an Empire courtroom, you’re entering a space that has been modernized to meet the demands of the 21st century, especially in a post-COVID world. Starting last year, we began allowing students to use technology to simulcast exhibits and demonstratives to their judges, and to quickly reference rules at trial, just like they would in a real courtroom.
What’s more, in the digital courtroom, friends and family can watch a student’s performance from wherever they are in the world through a YouTube livestream, made securely available on PROcess.
As of this writing, we are the only competition at the high school or college level to allow students to use technology in the courtroom in this manner.
Keep reading to learn more about the digital courtroom.

Electronic Exhibits & Demonstratives
Any electronic exhibit included in the case file may be displayed or played in the courtroom. Teams may also create their own electronic demonstratives.
Hate dragging that oversized poster-board on a plane or bus?
Now, you don't have to (though you may still do so)! Instead, you can create a powerpoint presentation or digital diagram to assist your expert’s testimony or to reinforce a point in your closing argument.
How does it work?
Students “simulcast” their electronic documents through a familiar software, Zoom, with each courtroom having its own Zoom meeting room link. Empire provided Chromebooks allow your judge, jury, and witness to view your exhibits in live time! We even provide headphones to the judge panel, so they can listen to audio exhibits, if they need to do so.
It’s the best of online mock trial, but in-person!

What Technology Teams Can Bring
It is hard to believe that before last year, our trial procedures had been nearly identical to those that existed at Empire I, which took place a week before iPhones existed and when laptops were not ubiquitous. The world has changed since then, so why shouldn’t we?
At Empire, teams can bring two electronic devices to use at trial:
Device 1: Simulcast
We ask each team to bring one laptop or tablet to counsel table to connect to their courtroom’s Zoom meeting room link, which will be available through PROcess.
A team may only interact with device 1, if they’re using it to display a demonstrative or exhibit, or to observe their opponent’s electronic presentation.
To display an exhibit, you will simply screenshare your file(s), with sound if necessary. Witness stands will be equipped with an Empire-provided laptop–connected to the courtroom’s Zoom meeting room–that a witness may use to reference an exhibit or demonstrative.
Device 2: Reference
We want to make it easier for you to reference case materials, update examinations/speeches, and take notes during trial. Imagine being able to quickly “control F” rule 801 (hearsay) rather than have to flip through a binder of rules!
That is why we are allowing you to bring a second device (“device 2”) to counsel table to provide assistance at trial. This device may be a laptop or tablet and should be pre-loaded with any case materials or rules that you plan to reference. Unlike device 1, this device may not be connected to the internet.
Talk about a great way to save time during trial!